Call: 919-872-1999

Auto Repair Warranty

Forget paying for your Triple-A membership. Creech Import Repair now offers complimentary 24-hour assistance. Additionally, have peace-of-mind knowing help is on the way. Also, no matter where you travel, your roadside assistance travels with you – for no additional cost!

Our roadside assistance is available 365 days a year and covers up to $75 for the following:

  • Towing
  • Lock-outs
  • Battery Jump-starts
  • Flat Tire Assistance
  • Emergency Fuel Delivery

Any customer of Creech Import Repair that spends $25 or more in services or repairs qualifies for our complimentary roadside assistance service for a full 365 days from the date of your invoice. Come back to Creech Import Repair and spend a minimum of $25 again, and your coverage is extended for another 365 days from the date of that new invoice.

For roadside assistance, simply call (866) 588-0728 and a dedicated agent will dispatch the appropriate service to your location. Pay for the service and you will be reimbursed up to $75 for the qualifying roadside assistance you require.

It truly is just that simple!

Contact the best mechanic in Raleigh – Creech Import Repair – and get covered nationwide today!

Check Engine Light

Today's vehicles have sensors that send signals to a computer that monitors emissions set to a government standard. Also, if any of the sensors read a level that falls outside acceptable levels, your check engine light will illuminate, helping you avoid catastrophic damage to your vehicle.

Learn More

Our Warranty

Our Warranty program covers most parts and labor for 24 months or 24,000 miles, whichever comes first when traveling more than 25 miles from the original TECH-NET PROFESSIONAL AUTO SERVICE repair facility.

For more assistance with other car-related issues feel free to browse our site. You might find useful information that will help you in other areas such as car repair, brake service, or find help scheduling your next tune-up. Lastly, whatever your need we are more than happy to help. Call Us Today (919) 872 -1999.